the entranceway to a tan colored apartment building with bushes by the doorway
LaFHAC Calls on the City of Gretna to Immediately Lift its Ban on Multi-Family Housing Development
On July 8, 2020, the City of Gretna, Louisiana adopted a moratorium on the construction of multifamily housing that may violate the Fair Housing Act. This moratorium came shortly after discussions with developers about plans to create a mixed-use development that would include 141 units of affordable and market rate rental housing on the site […]
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YES on Proposition 3: Support Homes That are Affordable for New Orleanians
We are a city that deeply values the culture and traditions that make us unique and none of that is possible without the people of New Orleans. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has only deepened housing inequality for our residents. The wealthy are making huge profits and luxury home prices continue to rise. Meanwhile, renters and small landlords […]
black woman with glasses standing in front of a window
LaFHAC Investigation Uncovers Rampant Racial Discrimination and Leads to Federal Lawsuit
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against owners of three apartment complexes and their property manager in a suburb of Jackson, MS. The suit is the result of the property manager’s refusal to show available properties to African Americans and his comparison of one of them to a zoo […]
NIMBY Neighbors Fight Senior Housing in Central City
In the fall of 2019, staff at the Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center became aware of a proposed multifamily development on the site of 2256 Baronne St. The developers involved, in partnership with the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO), intend to bring 20 affordable housing units for seniors to the Central City neighborhood, an […]
dollar signs drawn on a chalkboard next to three orange and white birdhouses
Homeownership and COVID-19
The Fair Housing Act of 1968 prohibited discrimination in the rental, sale, and financing of a home based on race or national origin.  Unfortunately, discriminatory practices and their legacies live on today throughout the United States. Redlining refers to a lending practice from the 1930s in which banks would deny families of color home loans […]
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LaFHAC Recommends NO on Constitutional Amendments 5 & 6
Louisiana’s current state constitution was passed in 1974 and rather than being a limited document that stands the test of time, it already has 197 amendments. Legislators are constantly proposing changes—often represented on the ballot in complicated legalese—that must go before the voters. Of the seven constitutional amendments and one local proposition on the ballot […]
National Mental Health Day and Your Right to Accommodations
Saturday, October 10, 2020 is National Mental Health Day.  This presents the perfect opportunity to share information about fair housing for individuals with disabilities. The Federal Fair Housing Act passed in 1968 and amended in 1988 increases equal housing opportunities by making it illegal to discriminate against people based on their race, color, religion, national […]
little boy in yellow shirt in front of brown door
Housing Discrimination Is Locking Out Families in our Community
The Fair Housing Act was passed in 1968 and amended in 1988.  It was meant to create more equality in housing practice.  The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the sale and rental of homes based on membership in protected classes.  These protected classes include: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, and family status. […]
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Laura Recovery for Homeowners: Getting Started
Our thoughts are with the communities who suffered damage due to Hurricane Laura. Below is some basic information for homeowners to assist with navigating insurance coverage, FEMA assistance, mortgage concerns and contractors in the wake of a disaster. We will be updating this guide as more specific information and resources become available. Please check back […]
old map of the city of new orleans
The President’s Racist Tweets Illuminate Our Long-Standing Fight for Fair Housing!
In a ploy to garner votes through fear-mongering, President Trump went on a racist Twitter tirade, attacking HUD’s mandate to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH). This mandate, which was instituted by the Fair Housing Act, obligates jurisdictions across the nation to use HUD funds to desegregate neighborhoods and promote access to equal housing opportunities for all […]
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