Partner Event Highlight: NOLA Black Pride Fest
Pride month is just around the corner! Join us in celebrating our diverse communities with food, fun, and entertainment at the annual NOLA Black Pride Fest! Saturday, June 8th 1pm-8pmLouis Armstrong Park701 North Rampart St. New Orleans, LA 70116 Learn more abouth Black Pride Fest and other events with the link below. Hope to see […]
Fair Housing Seminar in Alexandria
Attenion Alexandrians! Join us alongside the City of Alexandria Community Development Department and grow your knowledge about your rights under the Fair Houing Act. This seminar will covering a range of topics including Protected classes, covered transactions and dwellings, harassment, Considerations for people with disabilities, how the FHA applies to housing Industry professional property rentals, […]
Join Us in Combating Housing Discrimination: Become a Tester Volunteer
Are you passionate about fighting injustice and promoting fair housing? We need your help! We rely on dedicated volunteers to serve as testers for investigations into poperties suspected of engaging in discriminatry practices. To conduct quick and efficient test investigations, we need a diverse pool of tester volunteers covering a wide range of demographics. Conducting […]
Anti-Disability and Service Animal Bill Awaits Governor Landry’s Signature
House Bill 407 by Representative Joe Stagni of Kenner, also known as the Service Animal Integrity Act, was approved by the full Louisiana Senate without objection on Thursday, May 16th. This discriminatory legislation requires vulnerable populations to wait weeks and spend untold amounts of money on multiple healthcare visits before having the opportunity to benefit […]
Addressing Louisiana’s Property Insurance Crisis Amid Growing Climate Risks
Louisiana’s property insurance market is in crisis due to escalating climate risks. Hurricanes Laura, Delta, Ida, and Zeta have led to the insolvency of a dozen insurers, leaving residents struggling to find affordable insurance. The increasing frequency and intensity of storms, coupled with sea-level rise and land loss, exacerbate the problem. To stabilize the market, […]
This Month We Honor our AAPI Communities
In May, we honor Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. Asian Americans have faced many acts of discrimination in the US, including housing discrimination. in May, we liftup these ongoing challenges and celebrate the rich cultural contributions and histories of AAPI communities in the United States. National origin discrimination occurs when individuals are […]
Appraisal Discrimination is on the Rise
In recent years, there has been a significant rise in appraisal discrimination across the United States. A 2022 study by the National Fair Housing Alliance found that racial inequality in appraisal values had increased by 75 percent from 2012 to 2022. This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need to address and combat discriminatory practices in […]
Got Children? You’re Protected.
Being discriminated against because you have kids — for example, being told that there is an extra charge for kids, or that boys and girls can’t share a room — is illegal. If you think you have been discriminated against because you have children, or because of your race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual […]
Thank you for a Stellar Fair Housing Month
Another year, another year of celebrating Fair Housing month. We would like to extend our gratitude to all those who helped make this year’s Fair Housing Month a success! Whether you participated in one or all of our several events, liked or shared our social media, or made charitable donations, your participation and support were […]
Save the Date for Three Fair Housing Month Events
It’s officially Fair Housing Month! Be sure to mark your calendars for our community events: -Small Landlord Training: Thursday 4/11-Game Night: Wednesday 4/17-Community BBQ: Thursday 4/25 More info coming soon!