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Celebrating Black History Month with the Children in Your Life!
February marks the beginning of Black History Month, a time to recognize and celebrate African American accomplishments and history. This Black History Month, LaFHAC is reflecting on the courage and perseverance of freedom fighters of the Chicago Freedom Movement of the 1960s. The Chicago Freedom Movement worked to end discriminatory housing practices and form tenants’ […]
color coded hand drawn map of new orleans
HUD’s New Rule to Address Segregation Doesn’t Mention Segregation
When the Fair Housing Act was passed in 1968, it included a provision called the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, or AFFH, principle. The AFFH principle requires any jurisdiction that receives money from HUD to use those funds in a way that furthers integration and equality. This provision was meant to ensure that federal, state, and […]
It’s Time to Move the Smart Housing Mix Forward
Back in March, we praised the New Orleans City Council for pushing the Smart Housing Mix one step closer to creating real change for the working people of New Orleans. The Smart Housing Mix ordinance would require any new housing developments of 10 units or more in historic core neighborhoods to include affordable units. With the latest […]
Dismantling Charity Hospital’s Legacy
Since its inception in the 1730s, Charity Hospital was ahead of its time. In contrast to the social norms of the time that discriminated against those with lower incomes, the hospital was founded with the purpose to “establish and maintain a hospital for the poor people of New Orleans.”Charity Hospital even upheld these guiding principles throughout the Civil […]
World AIDS Day: A Look at HIV Status and the Fair Housing Act
December 1st is World AIDS day, which aims to bring awareness to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, to unite people worldwide in the fight against HIV, to support those with HIV, and to commemorate those who have lost their lives due to an AIDS-related illness. Globally, it is estimated that 36.7 million people are living with HIV. In the United […]
Reasonable Accommodations for Tenants with Disabilities in Nursing Homes
Living in a nursing home or in an assisted-living facility is meant to help relieve the uncertainty of independent living for elderly individuals and persons with disabilities. However, the housing rights of nursing home residents can be violated by nursing home staff if they fail to provide reasonable accommodations for residents with disabilities. One such […]
The Ballot of YES on November 16th!
On election day—November 16th—New Orleans voters have the opportunity to invest in housing and protect our community from discrimination.  Passing the Infrastructure and Housing Bond would help the City of New Orleans fund important public improvement needs like drainage and storm-water management to avoid future catastrophes like cars clogging drains and flash floods. In a first for […]
There’s Something in the Air: Environmental Racism in Louisiana
Louisiana’s investments in the oil and gas industry have resulted in an exponential increase in public health issues throughout the state. The industry’s continued dominance in Louisiana is directly responsible for the creation of “Cancer Alley,” the stretch of industrial plants located along the Mississippi River between New Orleans and Baton Rouge that has caused […]
Protecting New Orleans’s Unique Latinx Community
October 15th marked the end of Latinx Heritage Month, a month-long celebration of the cultures and contributions of the Latinx community across the United States. New Orleans is renowned for its mixture of European, African and Caribbean cultural influences. However, New Orleans has also historically been a destination for immigrants from Latin America. One unique connection […]
Raise Your Voice to Secure Housing Discrimination Protections
In August, we let you know about a long-standing civil rights protection known as “Disparate Impact” that is currently under attack by the Trump Administration’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The disparate impact theory has been used to prove housing discrimination claims since the passage of the Fair Housing Act in 1968 and despite […]
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