Settlement Announcement

LaFHAC recently resolved sexual harassment claims against housing provider HHF Beechgrove II, LLC.  The settlement requires HHF to pay $25,000.00 in damages and attorneys’ fees to a former tenant who alleged that she was sexually harassed by maintenance worker. The tenant reported harassment that included entering her unit unannounced, and incidents of sexual assault. After the tenant reported this harassment to property management, the maintenance worker remained employed by HHF, and was permitted to continue working in the property’s office while carrying a firearm. The complainant then contacted LaFHAC.   

To resolve the complaint, HHF also agreed to implement and adhere to a written non-discrimination policy that must be presented to and signed by all current and new employees. All HHF employees involved in the management or operation of any of its residential rental properties will have to undergo fair housing training. The maintenance worker is no longer employed by HHF.  LaFHAC’s attorneys represented the tenant in this matter.

Posted by Malcolm Phillipson 07/15/2023and categorized as Blog, Press Releases, Uncategorized