Frequent Referrals
Housing Assistance
Social Serve
Social Serve is a free resource to find affordable housing. Search for affordable housing rentals and sales by calling 704-334-8722, or 877-428-8844 (toll free), 877-428-8844 (español) or visiting
Louisiana Housing Search
Louisiana Housing Search is a free resource that helps you find a home that fits your needs and budget. Visit their website at or call 877-428-8844.
Search for affordable housing and properties that accept Housing Choice Vouchers. Visit or call (866) 466-7328.
Housing Authority New Orleans (HANO)
Phone: (504)-670-3300
4100 Touro Street | New Orleans, LA 70122
HANO Hotline to report suspected fraud or Section 8 program abuse: 504-670-3395.
Services for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
Unity Housing
Unity has programs that provide long-term community-based housing with support systems for homeless individuals/ families with a disability who have been living on the street or in places unfit for human habitation, in emergency shelters, or in transitional housing, having entered that housing from the streets or from emergency shelters. Call 504-821-4496 or visit 2475 Canal St. Suite 300 for more information.
General Assistance
Disability Rights Louisiana
Call 1-800-960-7705 for for senior and disabled services.
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities offers financial assistance, immigration & refugee services, homeless services, and child & family services.
Call 866-891-2210 for more information.
New Orleans Family Support Office
The Economic Stability (ES) section of DCFS assists families with needed assistance programs, including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP – formerly Food Stamps), Kinship Care Subsidy Program (KCSP), and the Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program (FITAP). Call 504-599-1700 for assistance.
Puentes New Orleans
Puentes works to connect Latin American immigrants to the Greater New Orleans community. For help with immigration services, visit their website or call 504-821-7228.
Total Community Action
Total Community Action provides a variety of financial, community, and family services, including rapid rehousing, household financial counseling, tax assistance, utility assistance, and an emergency food pantry. Call 504-872-0334 or visit 1420 South Norman C. Francis Parkway for more information.
Legal Assistance
Southeast Louisiana Legal Services (SLLS)
SLLS provides free legal assistance in Louisiana, including general landlord tenant issues and evictions. Their Orleans Parish office is at 1340 Poydras Street, Suit 600. Contact them at (877) 521-6242. Their intake hours are from 9am-1pm daily. Visit their website for their other Louisiana offices.
Louisiana Civil Justice Center
The Louisiana Civil Justice Center provides civil legal assistance for low-income, elderly, and disaster-affected citizens through a toll-free hotline, free help desks, and community legal clinics. Their legal hotline provides free legal advice, information, answers and forms for various civil law issues: (504) 355 0970 or (800) 310 7029, Monday-Friday 9am-12pm. Or complete their online intake form.
Use this website to look for legal help. They provide referrals to local legal aid and public interest law offices, basic information about legal rights, self-help information, court information, links to social service agencies, and more.
Number Toll Free: (800) 349-0886
Number Local: (985) 345-2686
Loyola Law Clinic
Call 504-862-5590 for legal services.
New Orleans Bar Association
The New Orleans Bar Association helps clients find an attorney. Call 504-525-7453.
New Orleans Pro Bono Project
Visit their website or call 504-581-4043 for a free volunteer attorney.
Tulane Law Clinic
Call 502-865-5515 for legal services.
Homeowner Assistance
Family Resources of New Orleans
Family Services of New Orleans provides financial assistacne and helps families find affordable housing. Visit their website or call 504-822-8519.
First Time Homebuyer Classes
Louisiana Homebuyer Education Collaborative is an accreditation body that ensures housing counseling standards are being met by local agencies that provide services such as first-time homebuyer education, financial literacy, credit counseling, and foreclosure prevention. Find a list of certified agencies offering first-time homebuyer classes here.
Neighborhood Housing Services
Neighborhood Housing Services provides homebuyer education, mortgage delinquency counseling, and credit builidng. Visit their website or call their offices at 504-899-5900 to learn more.
Rebuilding Together NOLA
Rebuilding Together NOLA makes repairs for low-income homeowners, particularly those who are elderly, disabled, veterans or single head of households with minor children in Orleans Parish. For more information or to apply, visit their website or contact them at or 504-636-3061.
St. Bernard Project
SBP provides resources to help homeowners make smart, informed decisions before and after a disaster in order to fortify them against the unnecessary suffering associated with a prolonged recovery. Whether understanding how to get the right insurance before a disaster strikes or how to avoid contractor fraud afterwards, our guides and checklists enable homeowners to recover quickly and efficiently, while minimizing as much stress and uncertainty as possible.
Credit and Reverse Mortgage Counseling
Consumer Debt Counselors
Call 877-225-3810 to speak with a credit counselor.
Clearpoint Credit Counseling
Call 800-251-2227 for advice on managing debt.
GreenPath Inc.
Call 866-648-8114 for financial wellness counseling.
Housing Counseling Services, Inc.
Call 800-510-0301 for reverse mortgage counseling.
Money Management International
Call 866-346-2227 for credit counseling and reverse mortgage counseling.
National Foundation for Credit Counseling
Call 800-388-2227 for debt relief counseling.
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
Call 202-667-7006 for reverse mortgage counseling.
National Council on Aging
Call 800-510-0301 for reverse mortgage counseling.
Springboard Nonprofit Consumer Credit Management
Call 866-266-3789 for credit counseling.
Consumer Complaints
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Call 855-411-2372 to submit a consumer complaint.
Louisiana Department of Justice
Call 800-351-4889 to submit a consumer complaint.
Louisiana Department of Insurance
Call 1-800-259-5300 for consumer complaints regarding insurance.