Updated 5/07/2021
While the pandemic continues and many families face ongoing financial hardships, some organizations and city governments are providing rental assistance. These funds are limited. Please contact individual organizations below to learn more about their availability and eligibility requirements.
Emergency Rental Assistance Programs:
- State of Louisiana Emergency Rental Assistance Program: (877) 459-6555
- Apply online at www.LAStateRent.com
- *Note: Caddo, Calcasieu, East Baton Rouge, Jefferson, Lafayette, Orleans and St. Tammany parishes will administer their own programs, so terms of eligibility, prioritization, benefits and application process may vary for those Parishes. Renters and landlords in those parishes should contact their local representatives (see below for links) or visit www.LAStateRent.com to learn more.
Caddo Parish
- Caddo Parish Emergency Rental Assistance Program: (318) 239-7772
- Apply online at www.caddo.covidrenthelp.org
Calcasieu Parish
- Calcasieu Parish Emergency Rental Assistance Program: (337) 721-4033
- Apply online at www.calcasieuparish.gov/ERA
East Baton Rouge
- East Baton Rouge Parish Emergency Rental Assistance Program: (225) 529-0504
- Apply online at http://ebremergencysolutions.com/
Jefferson Parish
- Jefferson Parish Emergency Rental Assistance Program: (504) 226-2324
- Apply online at https://www.jpera.org/
Orleans Parish
- City of New Orleans Emergency Rental Assistance Program: (504) 658-4200
- Apply online at https://ready.nola.gov/incident/coronavirus/assistance/#rent
- *Note: If you call the listed phone number, you will likely get put through to voicemail. The main way to apply to this program is through the online application (linked above).
St. Tammany Parish
- St. Tammany Parish Emergency Rental Assistance Program: (985) 898-3016
- Call or email STRAP@stpgov.org with your contact information to request an application be sent to you via mail or email. You can also pick up an application in person at the Slidell or Mandeville offices (see below for addresses).
- Eligibility requirements can be found at: www.stpgov.org/departments/grants
- Slidell Office: 520 Old Spanish Trail Slidell, LA 70458 (M-F 8:00-4:30 PM)
- Mandeville Office: 21454 Koop Drive in Mandeville, LA 70471 (M-F 8:00 AM-4:30 PM)
Other Rental Assistance or Utility Assistance Resources:
- Volunteers of America: (504) 483-3558
- Rent & utility assistance for veterans in Louisiana
Greater New Orleans Area
- Greater New Orleans Foundation – Service and Hospitality Family Assistance Program:
- Serves Assumption, Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Terrebonne, and Washington parishes.
- Online application: www.gnof.org/service-and-hospitality-employee-family-program/
- United Way – Rental and Mortgage Assistance Fund and Individual Development Account Project (IDA):
Orleans Parish
- City of New Orleans Emergency Rental Assistance Program: (504) 658-4200
- Apply online at https://ready.nola.gov/incident/coronavirus/assistance/#rent
- *Note: If you call the listed phone number, you will likely get put through to voicemail. The main way to apply to this program is through the online application (linked above).
- Finance Authority of New Orleans (FANO): (504) 524-5533 and (504) 354-0904
- Rental & utility assistance
- New Orleans Family Justice Center: (504) 592-4005
- Temporary rental assistance for individuals fleeing from a documented domestic violence situation
- Call to go through the eligibility screening and intake process
Jefferson Parish
- Jefferson Parish Emergency Rental Assistance Program: (504) 226-2324
- Apply online at https://www.jpera.org/
- Jefferson Parish Office of Community Development’s program: (504) 736-6262
- Rental assistance
- Jefferson Community Action Program: (504) 736-6900
- Utility assistance
Lafayette Parish
- Catholic Charities of Acadiana: (337) 235-4972 Ext. 1116
- SMILE Community Action Agency: (337) 234-3272
- Visit: www.smilecaa.org
- 211: Dial 2-1-1 on any telephone to be connected to resources in your area.
- Resource Hub created by the organization Our Voice Nuestra Voz: http://ovnv.org/resource-hub/
If you are at risk of eviction and need legal support contact:
- Acadiana Legal Services: 1-800-256-1175
- Free legal services to people in Central and Northern Louisiana
- Southeast Louisiana Legal Services: 1-844-244-7871
- Free legal services to people in Southeast Louisiana
- Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center: 1-877-445-2100
- Free legal services for people facing immediate eviction in Jefferson and Orleans Parish
- Free legal services for people experiencing housing discrimination statewide
- Covid-19 Housing Resource Page: www.lafairhousing.org/covid-19
**Contact each organization directly to get more information about their eligibility requirements**
Updated 5/07/2021