LaFHAC Education & Outreach staff teach over a thousand people every year about their fair housing rights and responsibilities through Know Your Housing Rights trainings, housing providers trainings, the annual Fit For a King Fair Housing Summit, and presentations for first time homebuyers, students, community organizations, neighborhood associations, local officials, and volunteers.
Schedule a fair housing training for your company, non-profit organization, neighborhood group or classroom. Learn about upcoming educational events and how to get involved.

Fair Housing University
Fair Housing University is an educational initiative of LaFHAC that provides comprehensive education about fair housing. LaFHAC provides a combination of regularly scheduled public trainings and private trainings tailored to the needs of partner organizations. Recipients of these trainings include landlords, real estate agents, management staff, mental health service providers, tenants, neighborhood associations, and many more.

Fair Housing Five
The Fair Housing Five is LaFHAC’s youth educational initiative that provides civil rights and fair housing education for students in grades 1st through 12th. The Fair Housing Five workshops use LaFHAC’s original children’s book, the Fair Housing Five & the Haunted House or Housing Choice Game, an interactive board game in which students experience first-hand the impact of housing discrimination and the importance of housing choice. Learn more about these youth educational initiatives, how to bring them to your classroom or city, and how you can purchase the book here.