Get Help

Discrimination Complaints

LaFHAC conducts investigations into fair housing violations. When necessary, LaFHAC attorneys help their clients through the process of filing a complaint with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or filing a lawsuit in state or federal court. Help is free and confidential.

Close up of Credit History form
Close up of Credit History form
Image by Sue Mobley

Eviction Defense Project

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, LaFHAC offers free legal representation to people facing eviction in Orleans Parish. Anyone in those parishes in need of an attorney can call LaFHAC at (504) 596-2100, or (877) 445-2100. 

Please note: as of August 1st, 2022, LaFHAC will no longer be offering eviction defense services in Acadia, Evangeline, Iberia, St. Landry, St. Martin, or Vermillion Parishes. If you are facing eviction in those parishes, or anywhere in Southwest, Central or Northern Louisiana, please call Acadiana Legal Services at (800) 256-1175. If you are facing eviction in Southeast Louisiana outside of Orleans Parish, please call Southeast Louisiana Legal Services at (504) 529-1000.

Housing Counseling

Are you a homeowner facing foreclosure or behind on your mortgage?  Make an appointment to see a certified Housing Counselor for free assistance. LaFHAC’s certified Housing Counselor offers free counseling to homeowners in the New Orleans area around a variety of post-purchase issues.

two hands shaking in front of front lawn and home
Blue colored New Orleans home with shutters

Policy Advocacy

LaFHAC works at the local, state, and federal level to advance the availability of housing for all people, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, familial or marital status, or sexual orientation.


Read our latest news releases to stay updated on LaFHAC’s legal and policy advocacy, investigations and events

Disabled person at home with walking stick
Disabled person at home

Fair Housing Education

Schedule a fair housing training for your company, non-profit organization, neighborhood organization or classroom.  Learn about upcoming educational events and how to get involved.