Fair Housing University
The following is a selection of trainings that the Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center offers on a private consultation basis. Call (504) 708-2109 or fill out this form to schedule a training with your company, organization, or group. We can customize a training to the needs of your company or organization. Contact Silas Eames, LaFHAC’s Education Coordinator, at seames [at] lafairhousing.org today to discuss the possibilities!
Fair Housing 101 for Small Landlords
This customizable workshop for small landlords will provide a comprehensive review of a housing provider’s responsibilities under local and federal fair housing law, including case studies that pertain to small landlords. Topics covered will include protected classes and transactions under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), protections for people with disabilities, discriminatory harassment, advertising, resident relations and rules, and application and screening procedures. To sign up to be notified when the next public Fair Housing 101 for Small Landlords training is scheduled, click here.
How to Avoid a Predatory Loan
This customizable training provides an overview of the lending process and how predatory lending can occur. This training goes in to detail to explain how a predatory loan can be a fair housing violation, how it can affect equity, what it might look like, when predatory lending might occur, and most importantly detailed steps that can be taken to avoid a predatory loan.
Mortgages and Natural Disasters
This hour and a half training covers information on how to prepare your home for a natural disaster and what steps to take after a natural disaster. This training includes guidance on understanding your homeowners insurance, deductibles, and the claim process after a natural disaster. In addition, the training includes information on contacting your mortgage company after a natural disaster, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae mortgages, HUD mortgages, forbearance, and available resources after a federally declared disaster. This course can be customized for homeowners, HUD homeownership counselors, or other service providers.
Avoiding Foreclosure and Foreclosure Scams
This customizable training offers information on avoiding foreclosure, resources for those facing foreclosure, and legal protections against foreclosure under the Fair Housing Act. The training will also cover how to spot and avoid a foreclosure scam, and additional resources for those who have been the victim of a foreclosure scam.
Fair Housing 101 for the Management Team
This half-day workshop for apartment complex management and maintenance staff will provide a comprehensive review of a housing provider’s responsibilities under fair housing law. Topics covered will include protected classes and transactions, reasonable modification and accommodation for people with disabilities, discriminatory harassment, and creating advertisements that comply with fair housing laws. The training will also cover relevant landlord-tenant law including unit entry notification and maintenance responsibilities.
Mortgage Default 101
Our fair housing specialists and HUD-certified housing counselors will train your foreclosure and collections staff in various techniques and best practices for handling mortgage default situations in ways that are compliant with the Fair Housing Act.
Fair Housing 101 for Service Providers
This customizable training is tailored to service providers and case managers who work with people with disabilities, people with HIV/AIDS, recovering alcoholics and substance abusers, and homeless individuals. The training will cover basic protections under the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the reasonable modification requirement for people with disabilities. Other covered topics can include the definition of “disability” under the FHA, how the FHA applies to the shelter system, and how the FHA treats substance abuse and alcoholism.
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
This customizable training focus on the requirement of certain federally funded entities to “Affirmatively Further Fair Housing” (AFFH). Covered topics include an overview of rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act, fair housing design and construction standards, reasonable modification and accommodation for people with disabilities, advertising that complies with fair housing laws, and outreach strategies to insure maximum housing choice for all members of the community.
The Fair Housing Five & the Haunted House
The Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center offers a variety of workshops for schools and youth-serving organizations that teach students about civil rights and equity. Visit www.fairhousingfive.org to read about LaFHAC’s children’s book and educational programming for young people.
Looking for a First Time Homebuyer Training?
LaFHAC doesn’t offer First Time Homebuyer trainings, but we partner with local organizations that do. You can find a list of those organizations at https://gnoha.org/main/the_collaborative.