Fair Housing Center Launches Campaign to Counteract Discriminatory Actions of St. Bernard Parish

On March 23, 2011, the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC) launched a new campaign to counteract the racially discriminatory housing practices of St. Bernard Parish. The “Enough is Enough St. Bernard” campaign seeks to encourage both residents and non-residents of St. Bernard Parish to tell St. Bernard Parish President Craig Taffaro and the St. Bernard Parish Council to end their efforts to prevent racial minorities from living in the Parish. More information, including petitions, is available at http://www.gnofairhousing.org/enoughisenough.html

3-23-11 Read the press release here.

3-23-11 Read the nola.com article “Website asks Nola area residents to weigh in on St. Bernard Parish housing practices” here.

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Posted by decubingon 03/23/2011and categorized as Blog, Press Releases, Uncategorized