Press Releases
New Name and Statewide Expansion for Fair Housing Organization: Introducing LAFHAC
NEW ORLEANS—Today, the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center announced that it is changing its name to the Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center, in recognition of the organization’s expansion to take on statewide work in the past decade. The name change comes as the organization will be celebrating its 25th year at its annual Fit for […]
a boy holding a puppy with a bow around its neck
GNOFHAC Investigation Finds Rampant Discrimination Against People with Emotional Support Animals
New Orleans, LA and Baton Rouge, LA—Today, the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC) released a new investigation showing only one in five landlords would accept an emotional support animal in accordance with fair housing laws. Over the past two years, GNOFHAC has seen a significant increase in the number of fair housing complaints lodged […]
Proposed Rule Would Make Lawsuits Like Road Home & St. Bernard “Blood Relative” Nearly Impossible
New Orleans—Today, the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC) denounced an extreme move by the Trump Administration’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to eviscerate a long-standing civil rights protection known as “disparate impact.” HUD’s proposed rule, published today in the federal register, would make it far more difficult to challenge discriminatory […]
FHAC Settles Suit on Behalf of Woman Alleging Discrimination Against People with Disabilities
New Orleans—Today, the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC) announced the settlement of a federal lawsuit against the owners and property managers of a Covington apartment complex, alleging they refused multiple requests to move a resident who uses a wheelchair to available first floor apartments. As part of the settlement, the defendants will receive […]
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GNOFHAC Sues Local Landlord, Tenants Allege Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
New Orleans—Today, the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC) filed suit in federal court against Jerry Kelly Jr. and a number of LLCs he owns. In the suit, former tenants and a previous leasing agent allege, among other things, that Mr. Kelly grabbed the buttocks of a woman during lease signing, entered a […]
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Civil Rights Organizations File Federal Lawsuit Against Bank of America
WASHINGTON, D.C. and NEW ORLEANS, LA — Today, the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA), Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC), 18 fair housing organizations, and two homeowners in Maryland filed a federal Fair Housing Act lawsuit against Bank of America, N.A., Bank of America Corp., and Safeguard Properties Management, LLC (“Bank of America/ […]
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Civil Rights Organizations File Federal Lawsuit Against Bank of America
WASHINGTON, D.C. and NEW ORLEANS, LA — Today, the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA), Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC), 18 fair housing organizations, and two homeowners in Maryland filed a federal Fair Housing Act lawsuit against Bank of America, N.A., Bank of America Corp., and Safeguard Properties Management, LLC (“Bank of America/ […]
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Advocates Praise Veto of Inclusionary Zoning Preemption Bill, Look Forward to Local Action
Baton Rouge—On Saturday, Governor John Bel Edwards vetoed SB 462, a bill that would have banned cities and parishes from using zoning rules to create housing that is affordable to the average worker. Housing advocates, the City of New Orleans, the City of Baton Rouge, and the Louisiana Municipal Association, among others, all opposed the […]
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Advocates Praise Veto of Inclusionary Zoning Preemption Bill, Look Forward to Local Action
Baton Rouge—On Saturday, Governor John Bel Edwards vetoed SB 462, a bill that would have banned cities and parishes from using zoning rules to create housing that is affordable to the average worker. Housing advocates, the City of New Orleans, the City of Baton Rouge, and the Louisiana Municipal Association, among others, all opposed the […]
A woman, Jourdan Curet, holding giant check that says Security Deposit for my next apartment, $500
Legislature Passes New Law Penalizing Bad Landlords and Assisting Renters
Baton Rouge—Last Friday, Senate Bill 466 cleared its last legislative hurdle when it passed the Louisiana House. SB 466 finally provides a real chance of recovering security deposits from negligent landlords to the 1.5 million Louisianans who rent. The Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC) led the advocacy efforts for this change because […]