Sample email for your landlord

Congress passed a $2 trillion relief bill, but that money won’t be available before many of us have to make rent and utility payments on April 1st. Much of the relief is also one-time payments and we all have recurring expenses. That’s why we’ve created a template for an email or text you can send to your landlord and are including some additional resources on what’s in the relief bill so you can plan for the future. 

Sample Email/Text to Your Landlord:

Hi _____, I hope you are safe and healthy. I wanted to keep you updated about my situation. I have lost income/work/my job because of the COVID-19 crisis and cannot afford to pay my April rent at this time. Would you be willing to:

1. Waive April late fees?
2. Agree not to evict me for not being able to pay April rent on time, and instead agree that after the Governor lifts the stay at home order, we will work out a repayment agreement that works for both of us?

Most mortgage holders can qualify for a forbearance because of COVID-19. If you receive a forbearance from your lender, would you also be willing to not charge me rent for those months?

Thanks for your flexibility and understanding,


Posted by decubingon 04/03/2020and categorized as Blog, Press Releases, Uncategorized