CDC Eviction Moratorium Coming to an End

***UPDATE: The CDC issued a new eviction moratorium on August 3rd, which applies to communities with substantial or high risk of COVID-19 transmission and is set to remain in place until October 4th. Please CLICK HERE for detailed information.***

LaFHAC wants to remind you that the CDC Eviction Moratorium is set to end on July 31, 2021.  For further information on the moratorium, please view our blog post. We know this may be a stressful development. If you are concerned about facing eviction, reach out to us at (504) 596-2100. We also encourage anyone who is behind on rent to apply for rental assistance through their state or parish Emergency Rental Assistance Programs. 

Posted by Malcolm Phillipson 07/29/2021and categorized as Blog, Press Releases, Uncategorized