Today We Commemorate the Signing of The Fair Housing Act on April 11th, 1968!

The Fair Housing Act, a successor to the Civil Rights Act, had been met with much resistance by the Senate for two years after it was first proposed in 1966. In 1968, after Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis, President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed for the passage of the Fair Housing Act in an effort to pay homage to Dr. King’s life’s work. At the same time, mass protests, and in some places rioting, put pressure on politicians who had previously dragged their feet to finally vote for the bill.  It passed in the House and was signed into law on April 11th 1968.

We here at LaFHAC encourage our community to reflect on the sacrifices made, and the opportunities created by the activists and communities that fought to make fair housing a reality. The fight against housing discrimination is far from over, but we will continue to stand up for marginalized communities and ensure that everyone has the chance to live wherever their hearts desire!

Posted by Malcolm Phillipson 04/11/2022and categorized as Blog, Comunicados de prensa, Uncategorized
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