Settlement with Broad Management Group and Cristina Perez

LaFHAC is pleased to announce the resolution of a disability discrimination lawsuit against Broad Management Group and Cristina Perez. Our client, who has a disability that requires the use of an emotional support animal (ESA), contacted LaFHAC alleging that Broad Management Group and property manager Cristina Perez denied them the use of their two prescribed emotional support animals. LaFHAC filed a complaint in federal court on our client’s behalf, alleging that the property denied their reasonable accommodation request to have their ESAs reside with them based on a breed and size restriction that violated the Fair Housing Act. The complaint further alleged that Broad Management Group and Cristina Perez then evicted our client  in retaliation.

The settlement requires Broad Management Group and Cristina Perez to pay $25,000.00 in damages and attorneys’ fees to our client. Additionally, Broad Management Group must draft and implement a written non-discrimination policy with specific FHA-compliant provisions related to emotional support animals. Every Broad Management Group employee involved in the operation or management of its residential properties in Louisiana will also undergo fair housing training. The settlement also requires Broad Management Group to dismiss a state court suit they filed against our client  during the course of the federal court litigation. 

Posted by Malcolm Phillipson 08/04/2023and categorized as Blog, Comunicados de prensa, Uncategorized
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