LaFHAC Endorses the Big Easy Deal

LaFHAC is proud to work in coalition with 36 other organizations through the Big Easy Budget Coalition to push for the City of New Orleans to invest in building thriving communities and preventing violence.

The coalition is advocating for the Big Easy Deal, a plan that would use $148M of the city’s budget to address the root causes of violence through investments in affordable housing, community equity, community violence intervention, and youth services and programs.

The $99M for affordable housing in the deal includes
funding for permanently affordable housing units, repair programs for renters and homeowners, and assistance for those displaced from unhealthy and unsafe living conditions–all proven ways to keep people housed and safe. 

Learn more about the coalition and our work aqui and tell your City Council member to support the Big Easy Deal aqui.

Posted by Malcolm Phillipson 11/08/2023and categorized as Blog, Comunicados de prensa, Uncategorized
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