Fit For a King 2022 Recap

Thank you so much to everyone who made Fit for a King 2022 a success! If you missed any of it, the recording is available aqui. Below is a summary of each section with a note about where you can find it in the recording in case you’d like to check out a specific section.

606 Missing Homes: How NIMBY Opposition to Affordable Housing Perpetuates Segregation – 14:00

Moderated by LaFHAC’s Executive Director Cashauna Hill, panelists discussed NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) opposition to affordable housing, how it perpetuates segregation and wealth and health disparities, and how neighborhood associations can instead advance equity.

Award for Courage: Sarah McDonald – 1:00:00

LaFHAC’s Legal Director Sarah Carthen Watson presented the Fit For a King 2022 Award for Courage to Sarah McDonald, a tenant who stood up against her sexist landlord in the face of eviction and uncertainty.

We Can Stop Evictions: Success Stories from the Field – 1:03:45

Moderated by LaFHAC’s Policy and Communications Director Maxwell Ciardullo, panelists discussed the national eviction crisis exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, who this crisis is disproportionately affecting, and how organizers and community members can take action to keep families in their homes.

Mondale-Brooke Award: State Representative Royce Duplessis -1:46:51

LaFHAC’s Director of Policy and Communications Maxwell Ciardullo presented the Fit For a King 2022 Mondale-Brooke Award to State Representative Royce Duplessis for his work in helping to pass a recent bill to keep families evicted during the pandemic from carrying that eviction record into their search for future homes.

Decriminalizing Identity: Strategies to End Disproportionate Criminalization – 1:55:01

Moderated by LaFHAC’s Legal Director Sarah Carthen Watson, panelists discussed how “othered” communities face unreasonable and critical judgement, how social policing leads to opportunity disparities, and how over-criminalization ultimately leads to recidivism.

Keynote address – 2:43:10

Professor, author, and activist Sheryll Cashin gave a comprehensive history of segregation, and how recent discriminatory housing practices perpetuate racism, violence, and the marginalization of Black communities.

Posted by Malcolm Phillipson 02/07/2022and categorized as Blog, Comunicados de prensa, Uncategorized
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