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Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Know How You’re Protected Under the Law
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and in Louisiana, one of the states with the highest rates of female homicide victims, there is an especially urgent need for awareness and action. Domestic violence and housing go hand in hand. Far too often, survivors of domestic violence are forced to make the decision between their safety […]
profile of key hanging in door lock
GNOFHAC Sues Local Landlord, Tenants Allege Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
New Orleans—Today, the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC) filed suit in federal court against Jerry Kelly Jr. and a number of LLCs he owns. In the suit, former tenants and a previous leasing agent allege, among other things, that Mr. Kelly grabbed the buttocks of a woman during lease signing, entered a […]
meena haque standing on mountain in front of a city overlook
Staff Spotlight: Meena Haque
In this series, we’ll be highlighting the contributions our fabulous staff makes to our organization. After all, any organization is only as powerful as its people–and ours are powerful indeed. While many of our staff members work in an outreach capacity and engage directly with our clients and supporters, some of our staff remain behind […]
bourbon street house with three pride flags hanging from balcony
Pride Month and Housing (In)Justice
June is Pride Month, and as we look at how far LGBTQ+ communities have come in recent years, it’s important to recognize that many in those communities still experience discrimination and injustice. One instance is housing injustice, specifically for transgender and gender nonbinary people. Currently, transgender and nonbinary individuals–those who don’t identify with the gender […]
Interns and law clerks standing together and smiling
Welcome our 2018 Summer Interns and Law Clerks!
Madeline Aruffo is a third-year law student at Tulane University School of Law. Prior to law school, Madeline attended Boston University, and double majored in philosophy and psychology. She has a passion for housing equality and public interest law, and loves living in New Orleans.  Cameron Bertron is the president of her second-year class at […]
dog sitting next to wheelchair
Best Friends Day: Fair Housing and Assistance Animals
June 8th is National Best Friends Day. For many, their best friend is their pet; for some, their furry friend isn’t just a pet, but an animal that provides necessary assistance or service they need due to a disability. Under the Fair Housing Act, housing providers are required to make reasonable and necessary accommodations to […]
orange shotgun house with green shutters and hanging plants
Hurricane Season and the History of Unequal Disaster Risk
The Atlantic Hurricane season officially started on June 1. The Data Center’s recent report, Rigging the Real Estate Market: Segregation, Inequality, and Disaster Risk, reminds us that disasters don’t affect everyone equally. The report highlights some of the history that led to an unfair disaster risk burden on people of lower-income and people of color in […]
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Fair Housing and the Disability Rights Movement
There are 56.7 million Americans with disabilities.  People with disabilities are our neighbors, our loved ones, and our family members and just like everyone else they deserve to lead healthy, happy lives free from discrimination. There are many civil rights laws that protect the 19% of the US population living with a disability today, and we wouldn’t have those […]
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