Comment today on proposed rule to evict mixed status families
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently published a proposal that would prohibit financial assistance to persons other than United States citizens or certain categories of eligible noncitizens in HUD’s public and specified assisted housing programs. The proposed rule changes are intended to prohibit families in which at least one member is undocumented from obtaining subsidized […]
LGBT youth holding sign at youth homelessness protest
HUD Proposes Cutting Back LGBTQ+ Discrimination Protections as Pride Month Begins
On May 23rd, one week before the start of Pride Month, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced their proposal to roll back the protections granted by the Equal Access Rule, which requires federally-funded shelters to house residents in shelters that match their own gender identity. The proposed changes would let […]
GNOFHAC Issues Letter Exposing Unlawful Racial Animus in Opposition to Mixed-Income Development in t
Last week, GNOFHAC’s Executive Director Cashauna Hill submitted a letter to the New Orleans City Council and Mayor documenting coded racism and double standards present in the opposition to a proposed mixed-income development in the Bywater neighborhood at 4100 Royal St. Without a vote from the Council in support of a zoning change on Thursday, […]
three different images of a mother with their young child, a african american mother, an asian american mother and a white mother
Moms deserve fairness, not housing discrimination
Mother’s Day is around the corner. Do you know your housing rights? Under the Fair Housing Act, it’s illegal for a landlord to discriminate against families with children. This type of discrimination has been illegal since 1988, but unfortunately, it still happens every day. According to the National Fair Housing Alliance’s most recent report, there […]
a collage of images of mayor cantrell's storytime at the library with children
GNOFHAC ends Fair Housing Month with a very special story time!
On April 30th, Mayor LaToya Cantrell read GNOFHAC’s original children’s book, The Fair Housing Five and the Haunted House, to children and families at the East New Orleans Regional Library. The reading was the last of a series of community events GNOFHAC hosted during April to celebrate Fair Housing Month, and it was a lot of fun! […]
an eviction showing furniture and household items piled on the sidewalk outside of a home
We can stop forcing Louisianans from their homes
We see couches, cribs, and family keepsakes piled on our streets far too often. That’s because Louisiana makes it easier than nearly any other state for landlords to force people from their homes. State legislators have a chance to change our laws. Senate Bill 28, by Sen. Ed Price, would bring us into alignment with […]
close up of green house with a sign on the porch that says
How communities are fighting to save New Orleans from an Airbnb takeover
Originally published at Reposted with permission. Along Governor Nicholls street in New Orleans there are cars from all across the country parked in front of renovated shotguns and Creole cottages. The plates bear the origins of the travelers: some hail from nearby Mississippi, Alabama, or Arkansas, while others have descended upon the Big Easy from farther-flung […]
brick stoop of shotgun house with green shutters
Fair Housing Legislative Updates
The Louisiana Legislature is in full swing. Several bills may help Louisianans stay in our homes—whether we rent or own—even as prices climb. 1) Senate bills 79 and 80 by Sen. Troy Carter will allow the City of New Orleans to reduce taxes on long-time, lower-income homeowners to ensure we aren’t gentrified out of our homes […]
african american man in suit
How to Recognize Racial Discrimination in Rentals
There are a million reasons why trying to find a new apartment is stressful and challenging. When looking for a new place you may be asking yourself: Can I afford the rent? Is it in a location that I like? Is the house big enough for my family? Unfortunately, many people in our community also […]
for rent sign with houses and front lawns blurred in the background
Testing for Discrimination
At GNOFHAC, we use testing as a tool to enforce fair housing laws. Testing is done by trained mystery shoppers who take on the role of a prospective homeowner or renter for the purpose of gathering information to identify unlawful discrimination and to ensure that individuals or companies are in compliance with the law.  In […]
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