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Largest Property Preservation Company in Nation Accused of Housing Discrimination
For Immediate Release April 8, 2014 Contact:   Kate Scott         (504)596-2100 Largest Property Preservation Company in Nation Accused of Housing Discrimination Safeguard Properties Accused of Racial Discrimination in Maintenance of Foreclosed Homes in Dayton, Toledo, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Memphis Today, the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) […]
bourbon street house with three pride flags hanging from balcony
“You’d be hard-pressed to find a disenfranchised gay.”
According to Kathleen Benfield of the American Family Association of New Orleans, expanding fair housing protections to LGBT individuals is unnecessary because “you’d be hard-pressed to find a disenfranchised gay” in Louisiana. On Monday, GNOFHAC partnered with Representative Brossett to introduce HB 804, a bill calling for a ban on housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and […]
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Fair Housing Month 2014 Educational Events
FAIR HOUSING CENTER COMMEMORATES FAIR HOUSING MONTH 2014 WITH SERIES OF FREE EVENTS On April 1, 2014, the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC) announced a series of events to occur throughout the month in commemoration of National Fair Housing Month. Each event is free and open to the public, and accessible to […]
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Urge Your Legislator to Support Expansion of the Louisiana Equal Housing Act
Everyone in Louisiana deserves a fair opportunity to find a place to call home. The Louisiana State Legislative session just started last week, and we’re committed to making sure that state laws promote equal housing opportunity! GNOFHAC is working with a broad coalition of partners to expand housing choice for all Louisiana residents. One crucial part of […]
El artículo del Centro de acción para la vivienda justa del área metropolitana de Nueva Orleans (GNOFHAC) publicado en Journal For Affordable Housing And Community Development (Revista sobre vivienda asequible y desarrollo comunitario) de la Asociación de Banqueros de EE. UU. (ABA).
Assistant Director Kate Scott and Development and Communications Coordinator Marlene Theberge discuss GNOFHAC’s work in Volume 22-2 of the American Bar Association’s Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law — click here for the full article. Comments are closed.
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GNOFHAC Joins in Complaint Against U.S. Bank
U.S. Bank Accused of Housing Discrimination Civil Rights Organizations Add Dallas, Hampton Roads, Va., New Haven and New Orleans and New Evidence in D.C. Area to Complaint against U.S. Bank WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the National Fair Housing Alliance and four of its member organizations announced new evidence of housing discrimination by U.S. Bank, N.A. […]
black and white image of mlk, jr. at a podium about to speak, he's standing next to an african american police officer
Fair Housing Center Settles Federal Race Discrimination Suit on Eve of MLK Holiday
On Friday, January 17, 2014, the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (GNOFHAC) settled a federal lawsuit against landlord Gerald Ditta. The suit alleged that Ditta violated the federal Fair Housing Act by engaging in a pattern of systemic race discrimination in the rental of his Gretna, LA property.  As a result of the […]
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At Large Candidates Take a Stand on Rental Housing Conditions
This year, GNOFHAC’s annual Fit for a King event featured a forum with New Orleans City Council at-large candidates. The forum highlighted the need for policies to increase habitable, safe rental housing, with strong statements of leadership from candidates in both Divisions One and Two. According to Councilwoman Hedge-Morrell, incumbent for District D and candidate at-large in […]
Fair Housing Five Training in Pascagoula, Mississippi
On March 12, GNOFHAC staff are heading to Pascagoula, Mississippi to conduct 15 Fair Housing Five workshops for over 300 5th grade students of Trent Lott Academy! The workshops will use GNOFHAC’s original children’s book, the Fair Housing Five & the Haunted House, where students will learn about housing discrimination, the Civil Rights movement, and the importance of open housing!  Click […]
Baton Rouge Community Revitalization Fund Application
In June 2013, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development reached an historic conciliation agreement with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. The agreement resulted from a federal housing discrimination complaint originally filed by the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA), GNOFHAC, and 12 other fair housing organizations around the country. The complaint alleged that Wells Fargo-owned […]
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