Anti-Retaliation Protections are In Effect for New Orleans Renters

A crucial provision of the Healthy Homes Ordinance that was approved in the fall of 2022 went into effect last month. Orleans Parish renters are now protected from retaliatory evictions and other actions when they request repairs or report violations to code enforcement. 

Renters are cautioned to remember that in order for these protections to apply, they must be current on their rent and in compliance with their lease. Notifications of needed repairs must be submitted to landlords in writing (including text or email), and renters cannot withhold rent while waiting for repairs. Doing so can result in a legal eviction. 

For more information, click through to our blog post here. For those facing an eviction, Orleans Parish renters have a right to an attorney in eviction court. Call our intake line at 504.596.2100 or Southeast Louisiana Legal Services at 504.529.1000 x223.

Posted by Malcolm Phillipson 08/04/2023and categorized as Blog, Comunicados de prensa, Uncategorized
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